About this web site

The title of this website, “Pays des Merveilles d’Hyrrot” is French and translates to “Hyrrot’s Wonderland” in English.

Hyrrot will write down what he thinks about in his daily life and, if necessary, record and publish Hyrrot’s open source artifacts. He also wants to find some interesting technology to try out and record, and in that respect the web site is, as the title suggests, a “wonderland”.

I will make every effort to provide articles in both Japanese/English, but for various reasons, some articles will be served in only one of the languages. I appreciate for your understanding.

About Hyrrot

My name is Hirobumi Takahashi (髙橋宏文), aka Hyrrot, born in 1986.

I love developing computer software and have experience in various technologies used in the web industry, and my strength lies in providing solutions that leverage data engineering and DevOps related technologies. For a detailed professional bio, please visit LinkedIn.


⚠️ If you are a corporate recruiter or recruitment agent and are contacting me for a job referral, please be sure to include the name of your favorite Pokémon in the text of your message. Otherwise, your message will be ignored.

You can contact me at Twitter or diaphane “at” gmail.com (convert “at” to half-width “at” mark).